
CEDE Program

The CEDE pro­gram, or Child Edu­ca­tion, Devel­op­ment & Empow­er­ment, is the Peepal Foun­da­tion’s ini­tia­tive to instill val­ues and morals while nur­tur­ing the spir­it of young, impres­sion­able minds. Our goal is to cre­ate con­fi­dent and respon­si­ble glob­al cit­i­zens. As a ded­i­cat­ed NGO for chil­dren, Peepal Foun­da­tion is com­mit­ted to shap­ing the future of under­priv­i­leged chil­dren by empow­er­ing them with essen­tial knowl­edge and val­ues. Your sup­port can make a big dif­fer­ence — donate to child edu­ca­tion and help us trans­form lives.

After almost a year of prepa­ra­tion and plan­ning, the CEDE pro­gram was offi­cial­ly launched on 1st Aug 2013 for 2nd and 3rd grade stu­dents in 17 schools (16 PMC and one pri­vate school) across five zon­al areas with­in Pune city. The chil­dren in these schools come from near­by slums, and most of their par­ents are ‘dai­ly-wage’ work­ers. Through the CEDE pro­gram, we aim to equip these chil­dren with the tools they need to suc­ceed and grow into respon­si­ble indi­vid­u­als as part of our ongo­ing mis­sion as an NGO for chil­dren.

FAQ — CEDE Program

CEDE stands for Child Edu­ca­tion, Devel­op­ment and Empow­er­ment. As a lead­ing NGO for child edu­ca­tion, Peepal Foun­da­tion imple­ments the CEDE pro­gram using a three-pronged approach: Holis­tic devel­op­ment of chil­dren, Enabling teachers/change man­agers with the right tools, and Reg­u­lar Empow­er­ment Work­shops. This good approach ensures that chil­dren receive the nec­es­sary and use­ful sup­port for their aca­d­e­m­ic, social, and emo­tion­al growth, while also equip­ping edu­ca­tors with the tools to cre­ate a last­ing impact on their students.
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CEDE Program

Child Education, Development and Empowerment

CEDE is designed as a 60-hour pro­gram inte­grat­ed with the school cur­ricu­lum, sup­port­ed by school author­i­ties and spe­cial­ly appoint­ed ‘change man­agers’ who guide the chil­dren through­out the week (MON-SAT). As a lead­ing NGO for chil­dren, the Peepal Foun­da­tion ensures that this ini­tia­tive focus­es on pro­vid­ing chil­dren with a well-round­ed edu­ca­tion, empow­er­ing them with essen­tial skills and knowledge.

Vol­un­teer-dri­ven work­shops on Sat­ur­days allow vol­un­teers to engage with stu­dents, offer­ing them a chance to share knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence through fun, hands-on activ­i­ties, enrich­ing the over­all child edu­ca­tion process. This aligns with our mis­sion as a com­mit­ted NGO for chil­dren.

The pro­gram includes a vari­ety of mod­ules aimed at enhanc­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion, build­ing con­fi­dence, pro­mot­ing pos­i­tive think­ing, pro­vid­ing career guid­ance, and offer­ing sports and art work­shops. In addi­tion, it encour­ages expe­ri­en­tial learn­ing through activ­i­ties like role-plays, mind map­ping, and study tech­niques, ensur­ing a dynam­ic and inter­ac­tive approach to child education.

‘‘CEDE’ aims at holis­tic child growth and devel­op­ment by coach­ing chil­dren on a vari­ety of aspects and enhanc­ing their over­all per­son­al­i­ty, empow­er­ing them with knowl­edge and work-life skills. This com­pre­hen­sive approach fos­ters the child devel­op­ment need­ed to thrive aca­d­e­m­i­cal­ly, social­ly, and emotionally.

One of our major focus areas is enabling teach­ers with the right tools and mod­ern teach­ing tech­niques through a vari­ety of ‘Teach­ers Train­ing’ work­shops, ensur­ing they can bet­ter sup­port child growth and devel­op­ment in the classroom.

In addi­tion to the above, the CEDE inter­ven­tion empha­sizes reg­u­lar ‘Empow­er­ment Work­shops’ for par­ents, school author­i­ties, teach­ers, change man­agers, and vol­un­teers, all of whom play a vital role as enablers in the child devel­op­ment process. These work­shops equip them with the nec­es­sary skills to fur­ther sup­port the chil­dren’s growth and devel­op­ment, both inside and out­side the classroom.

Projects Completed

CEDE is planned as a 60-hour pro­gram inte­grat­ed with the school cur­ricu­lum, sup­port­ed by school author­i­ties and spe­cial­ly appoint­ed ‘change man­agers’ who coach the chil­dren dur­ing the week (Mon-Fri). Vol­un­teer-dri­ven work­shops on Sat­ur­days allow vol­un­teers to spend qual­i­ty time with stu­dents while impart­ing knowl­edge through fun, expe­ri­en­tial activ­i­ties, fos­ter­ing child empow­er­ment and enhanc­ing child edu­ca­tion in India.

The inter­ven­tion includes var­i­ous mod­ules that focus on improv­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Eng­lish lan­guage skills, con­fi­dence build­ing, pos­i­tive think­ing, voca­tion­al and career guid­ance, sports, and a range of art and cul­ture work­shops. In addi­tion to these, the pro­gram empha­sizes expe­ri­en­tial learn­ing using inter­ac­tive media such as activ­i­ties, role-plays, mind map­ping, and study tech­niques, all designed to pro­mote child empow­er­ment and growth.

Our change man­agers and vol­un­teers are essen­tial exter­nal chan­nels who help shape the per­son­al­i­ty of these chil­dren by expos­ing them to diverse, fun learn­ing prac­tices and teach­ing them to think out­side the box. Our con­stant endeav­or is to equip chil­dren with the knowl­edge and skills they need, ensur­ing they enter the real world with con­fi­dence, ready to suc­ceed in child edu­ca­tion in India.