Swayam Shikshana Prayog

“Swayam Shik­shan Prayog (SSP)” is a learn­ing and devel­op­ment orga­ni­za­tion that brings women and com­mu­ni­ties from the mar­gin to main­stream and builds their resilience in the face of grow­ing threats from dis­as­ters and cli­mate change. Towards ful­fill­ing its mis­sion of sus­tain­able com­mu­ni­ty devel­op­ment, SSP and its pro­mot­ed social enter­pris­es offer a wide range of skill-build­ing, liveli­hoods and agri­cul­ture and health-enhanc­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties, to rur­al women and youth.
More details are avail­able at — http://www.sspindia.org

We have recent­ly embarked on col­lab­o­ra­tion with “CMCA(Children’s Move­ment for Civic Aware­ness)”, a Ban­ga­lore based NGO whose mis­sion is to kin­dle and nur­ture active cit­i­zen­ship and incul­cate demo­c­ra­t­ic val­ues in chil­dren and youth and through a ‘rip­ple effect’, empow­er and trans­form soci­ety as a whole.
More details are avail­able at — http://www.cmcaindia.org

SPICMACAY Soci­ety for Pro­mo­tion of Indi­an Clas­si­cal Music and Cul­ture Amongst Youth. An NGO estab­lised in 1977 work­ing across India and abroad to pro­mote Indi­an cul­ture and art forms. Has been a close sup­port­er in our endeav­our of child development.