A Bit About Us

Vineet Kharat, Pres­i­dent Vineet Kharat is a Pune based film mak­er and media pro­fes­sion­al who co-found­ed V R Inter­ac­tive Solu­tions, a pro­duc­tion house that spe­cialis­es in cor­po­rate and doc­u­men­tary films, ani­ma­tion and vir­tu­al real­i­ty immer­sive sto­ry­telling. His com­mit­ment to projects that…

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Future Plans

From the time we began 10 years ago, up until now, our pro­grams have under­gone tremen­dous meta­mor­phoses in con­tent as well as in involve­ment. But the aim has always been the same “Empow­er­ing the under­priv­i­leged”. We are well aware that…

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Strategy & Methodology

CEDE is planned as a 60 hrs pro­gram to be inte­grat­ed with the school cur­ricu­lum aid­ed by the school author­i­ties as well as spe­cial­ly appoint­ed ‘change man­agers’ who coach the chil­dren dur­ing the week (Mon-Fri). Vol­un­teer dri­ven work­shops on Saturdays,…

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