
Education and Development

We Provide Care

  • Out­reach has grown from 30 chil­dren in 2001 to over 35000 under­priv­i­leged chil­dren and over 180 senior cit­i­zens at present.
  • We have spon­sored more than 1500 chil­dren and pro­vid­ed them with books and uni­forms as well as school fees for spe­cial cases.
  • Our devel­op­ment cen­tres in Mum­bai and Pune aimed at ensur­ing low drop-outs and suc­cess in exam­i­na­tions so the chil­dren could move onto the next grade, have been very successful.
  • We encour­aged pub­lic speak­ing, holis­tic devel­op­ment by hav­ing com­pe­ti­tions and debates in Eng­lish; thus remov­ing the fear of speak­ing in Eng­lish and pro­mot­ing bet­ter lan­guage com­pre­hen­sion among these children.

Future Plans

From the time we began 10 years ago, up until now, our pro­grams have under­gone tremen­dous meta­mor­phoses in con­tent as well as in involve­ment. But the aim has always been the same “Empow­er­ing the underprivileged”.
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More Living Options

Work Plans

Healthcare, Medical Camps Free OPD
  • Health being the main con­cern for senior cit­i­zens, to help them deal with their med­ical prob­lems, we orga­nized var­i­ous med­ical camps and free OPD. We have con­duct­ed around 40 med­ical camps and work­shops for senior citizens.
  • In addi­tion to health­care, we orga­nized moti­va­tion­al work­shops for the elderly.
Value Added Projects
  • We have expand­ed our sphere of work to var­i­ous loca­tions in and around Mum­bai as well and 2 vil­lages near Lonavala.
  • We helped put up 4 solar lights in two schools and one solar street light in the vil­lages near Lon­avala, to ensure chil­dren could study at night dur­ing acute pow­er shortage.
  • Pro­vi­sion of infra­struc­ture at Sama­ta School, Pune–
    o Con­struct­ed a water tank for pure, potable water for children
    o Con­struct­ed 4 new class rooms
    o Devel­oped the school playground
  • For Jana­ta school, we ren­o­vat­ed a hall that they now use to con­duct cul­tur­al and aca­d­e­m­ic activities.
  • In asso­ci­a­tion with SPIC-MACAY we con­duct­ed sev­er­al cul­tur­al pro­grams and workshops
  • We have con­duct­ed com­put­er class­es that have taught basics of com­put­ers to under­priv­i­leged chil­dren for whom this knowl­edge would have been inac­ces­si­ble otherwise.
  • For phys­i­cal devel­op­ment of chil­dren we pro­vid­ed sports equip­ment and also con­duct­ed var­i­ous sports activ­i­ties and orga­nized com­pe­ti­tions among them.
  • We have also con­duct­ed sev­er­al teacher train­ing pro­grams to intro­duce new tech­niques of teach­ing and moti­va­tion­al workshops.
Projects Completed
  1. Fin­ger Paint­ing and Veg­etable Painting
  2. Fun Day Activity
  3. Craft Making(Best of west)
  4. Diya Paint­ing
  5. Greet­ing Card Making
  6. Clean­li­ness
  7. Ganesh Sym­bol and Drawing
  8. Start­ed CEDE pro­gramme for 2nd & 3rd std. Students.
  9. Project Jan­ta (Vishrant­wa­di, Pune)
  10. Project Joy­max (Mum­bai)