Future Plans

From the time we began 10 years ago, up until now, our pro­grams have under­gone tremen­dous meta­mor­phoses in con­tent as well as in involve­ment. But the aim has always been the same “Empow­er­ing the underprivileged”.

We are well aware that we have just cre­at­ed a rip­ple in the mighty ocean of trou­bles afflict­ing soci­ety. We aim to spawn a huge wave with our activ­i­ties, a wave of action, spelling hope for the deprived and the ignored.

  • To make “CEDE” a self-sus­tain­ing mod­el by empow­er­ing teach­ers to run the pro­gram with­in their school inde­pen­dent­ly. To also include stu­dents upto age 16 under phase II and III of the module.
  • To make the “CEDE” mod­el easy to adapt and imple­ment in dif­fer­ent schools any­where across India.
  • To edu­cate peo­ple about the impor­tance of renew­able ener­gy, dis­sem­i­nate infor­ma­tion in the form of work­shops and aware­ness pro­grams and encour­age schools to adopt an eco-friend­ly struc­ture and edu­cate them about sources of renew­able energy.
  • To broad­en our out­reach and spread aware­ness about our activ­i­ties so that max­i­mum ben­e­fi­cia­ries are includ­ed in our sphere.
  • To ensure sus­tained growth and focus on our vision and work towards achiev­ing inter­ven­tion among AIDS afflict­ed, jail inmates and also poor patients in men­tal homes.
  • To have a day care centre/ activ­i­ty cen­tre for chil­dren as well as senior cit­i­zens to ensure inter­ac­tions between them and pro­mote a whole­some, fam­i­ly environment.

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