A loved one deserves exceptional care

Call +18 (077) 555 22 33 so we can dis­cuss your needs

Meet Professional Care You Can Trust

We Provide Care

We trace our suc­cess as a com­pa­ny to the sim­ple and endur­ing phi­los­o­phy that age­ing is a gift. The wealth of knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence that comes with age is a gift to the indi­vid­ual & the fam­i­ly. We work to pro­vide an envi­ron­ment that sup­ports the whole person—mind and heart, as well as body.

What People Say


“Peepal Foun­da­tion has done so much for the elder­ly — orga­niz­ing work­shops, health checks, OPDs, but the most sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tion was to reju­ve­nate us into action and cre­ate a strong, cohe­sive sup­port group amongst us. Its thanks to them that our senior cit­i­zens forum is gain­ing momen­tum in Yerawada.”

Sadanand Avchare

Sadanand Avchare

Pres­i­dent, Pre­rana Jyeshtha Nagarik Sangh

“Peepal Foun­da­tion not only helped us improve infra­struc­ture and over­all stan­dard of teach­ing in the school but also brought our school into the lime­light by bring­ing it to the atten­tion of NGOs and corporates.”

Shri Bhojane

Shri Bhojane

Prin­ci­pal, Sama­ta Bal­ak Mandir Shik­shan Sanstha, Yerawada

“It has been an amaz­ing and reveal­ing expe­ri­ence to work with Peepal for chil­dren and the elder­ly. To bring a smile was the best award indeed. I tru­ly respect Vineet and his team for their self less ser­vice to soci­ety and my best wish­es to Peepal Foun­da­tion for a flow­er­ing future.”

Manoj Pamnani

Manoj Pamnani

Steer­ing Com­mit­tee Member

Pricing Plans

Choose your plan!
$22099 month­ly payments

Personalised Care

Personal Caregiver
  • An elder­ly per­son needs to feel safe
  • Remain close to oth­er people
  • Believe that his life continues
  • To be meaningful.
choose this plan
$35099 month­ly payments

In-Home Care

Live-in Care
  • An elder­ly per­son needs to feel safe
  • Remain close to oth­er people
  • Believe that his life continues
  • To be meaningful.
choose this plan
$24099month­ly payments

Eldery Care Homes

Nursing Homes
  • An elder­ly per­son needs to feel safe
  • Remain close to oth­er people
  • Believe that his life continues
  • To be meaningful.
choose this plan

About Our Center

Learn about us
“Caring for seniors is a labor of love and requires a special person”

Nei­ther giv­ing nor receiv­ing care is easy. Path­Well Senior Care puts rela­tion­ships first to sup­port those giv­ing care, to pro­tect the dig­ni­ty of those receiv­ing it, and to enhance the qual­i­ty of life for both seniors and their families.

Path­Well Senior Care Cen­ter offers afford­able in-home care ser­vices 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for those who need it.

You’ll work with a care coor­di­na­tor at your local office to set a care schedule.

“Caring for seniors is a labor of love and requires a special person”

Every­thing we do is dri­ven by our uni­ver­sal mis­sion: to enhance the lives of age­ing adults and their fam­i­lies. The solu­tion for fam­i­lies that need an extra lev­el of care. The place we call home is the place that feels most com­fort­able and secure.

A sense of home can become espe­cial­ly impor­tant as we age. Our in-home senior care ser­vices help ease the chal­lenges of age­ing while encour­ag­ing seniors to enjoy the com­forts of home.

“Caring for seniors is a labor of love and requires a special person”

Through more than 20 years of pro­vid­ing inno­v­a­tive solu­tions that improve health and qual­i­ty of life for those in need of in-home health ser­vices, Path­Well — Senior Care Cen­ter has estab­lished itself as one of the most expe­ri­enced home­care com­pa­nies in the industry.

Our approach to qual­i­ty care focus­es on a com­mit­ment to pro­vid­ing a lev­el of exper­tise, train­ing, patient ser­vice, and mon­i­tor­ing that is dif­fi­cult to match in our industry.

“Caring for seniors is a labor of love and requires a special person”

Elder­ly care, or sim­ply elder­care (also known as aged care), is the ful­fill­ment of the spe­cial needs and require­ments that are unique to senior cit­i­zens. This broad term encom­pass­es such ser­vices as assist­ed liv­ing, adult day care, long-term care, nurs­ing homes, hos­pice care, and home care.

Because of the wide vari­ety of elder­ly care found nation­al­ly, as well as dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing region­al per­spec­tives on elder­ly cit­i­zens, it can­not be lim­it­ed to any sin­gle practice.

Independent Living — For Couples

Inde­pen­dent Liv­ing is a liv­ing option for res­i­dents to enjoy the free­dom, ser­vices & ameni­ties with the con­fi­dence of know­ing that sup­port is available.
more infor­ma­tion

Our Contacts

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Clinic Address:

71 Pil­grim Avenue Chevy Chase, MD 20815

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