Dear Customers,

Our pri­ma­ry goal is devel­op­ing a secure and cus­tomiz­able theme frame­work that meets the needs of the end user. There­fore, our cus­tomers are able to cre­ate web­sites using our tem­plates as easy as 1–2‑3! This process requires min­i­mum knowl­edge of Word­Press and cod­ing, and extend­ed doc­u­men­ta­tion and our Sup­port Team is always at your ser­vice. How­ev­er, we ask you to keep in mind that some­times issues occur not because of tem­plates mal­func­tion. There might be sit­u­a­tions when it does­n’t depend on us and the frame­work. For exam­ple, serv­er set­tings, some extra func­tion­al that requires deep file cus­tomiza­tion, or addi­tion­al plu­g­ins usage. And of course, an attempt to build a web­site in a very short time.

We know our theme frame­work per­fect­ly and have a high­ly-pro­fes­sion­al team of devel­op­ers. They will help you to devel­op the web­site you need. If you need web­site cus­tomiza­tion, con­tact our sup­port sys­tem for fur­ther infor­ma­tion:


$39USDfor cus­tomiza­tion service

Installation + Logo change

  • The tem­plate will be installed on your serv­er exact­ly as the demo looks like. You will get access to the admin pan­el, so you can man­age your website.
  • We will replace the template’s logo with yours on each page of the tem­plate. The logo has to be in good qual­i­ty in .PSD, .EPS, .PNG, .JPG for­mat. Logo width should be 300px and 600px
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$350for cus­tomiza­tion service

Ready-to-use Website

  • Theme instal­la­tion on you serv­er with your logo
  • Google map with your address set
  • Con­tent and images replace­ment up to 6 pages (with­out lay­out change)
  • Remov­ing ele­ments that you do not need on your website
  • Social icons set (with­out chang­ing theme layout)
  • Col­or scheme replacement
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$699for cus­tomiza­tion service

Full Website Package

  • Word­Press and theme installation
  • Cus­tomiza­tion of web­site branding
  • Con­tent Devel­op­ment (15 roy­al­ty-free images and 1500 words of text)
  • Con­tent set­up (adding 6 pages, 6 posts, Rev­o­lu­tion sliders)
  • SEO Essen­tials
  • Web­site speed optimization
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