Strategy & Methodology

CEDE is planned as a 60 hrs pro­gram to be inte­grat­ed with the school cur­ricu­lum aid­ed by the school author­i­ties as well as spe­cial­ly appoint­ed ‘change man­agers’ who coach the chil­dren dur­ing the week (Mon-Fri). Vol­un­teer dri­ven work­shops on Sat­ur­days, are meant for vol­un­teers to not only spend qual­i­ty time with the stu­dents but also impart knowl­edge through fun expe­ri­en­tial activities.

The inter­ven­tion com­pris­es of var­i­ous mod­ules which focus on enhanc­ing their com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Eng­lish lan­guage skills, con­fi­dence build­ing, pos­i­tive think­ing, voca­tion­al and career guid­ance, sports as well as vari­ety of art and cul­ture work­shops. In addi­tion to these mod­ules the inter­ven­tion aims at expe­ri­en­tial learn­ing using var­i­ous inter­ac­tive media such as activ­i­ties, role-plays, mind map and study techniques.

Our change man­agers and vol­un­teers are essen­tial exter­nal chan­nels who help mould the per­son­al­i­ty of these chil­dren by expos­ing them to a vari­ety of fun learn­ing prac­tices and by teach­ing them to think out of the box. Our con­stant endeav­or is to empow­er chil­dren with ade­quate knowl­edge and skills so that they enter the real world with confidence.