Shailendra Yashwant

Hon. Member

Mr. Shailen­dra Yash­want, co-founder of Green­peace India, is a renowned envi­ron­ment jour­nal­ist and activist. He has been involved with Green­peace on an inter­na­tion­al lev­el. He is also the founder of Mitra Foun­da­tion, a Ban­ga­lore based NGO work­ing in field of…

Vijaya Gangadhar

Hon. Member

Ms. Vijaya Gan­gad­har, is a phil­an­thropist involved with var­i­ous com­mu­ni­ty issues of women and chil­dren. She has been involved with dif­fer­ent NGOs and self-help groups for devel­op­men­tal work.

Dr. Trupti Mehta

Vice President

Dr. Trup­ti Mehta, a doc­tor by pro­fes­sion and work­ing with a lead­ing hos­pi­tal in Pune; has been involved with Peepal Foun­da­tion since its incep­tion and also has been asso­ci­at­ed with SPIC MACAY to pro­mote Indi­an Clas­si­cal Music and Cul­ture. She…

Vineet Kharat


Vineet, pri­mar­i­ly a media per­son, has been asso­ci­at­ed with social work for over 26 years with var­i­ous NGOs work­ing with chil­dren, youth and the elder­ly. Peepal Foun­da­tion is his brain-child and was found­ed in the year 2001 with the aim…

Roopa Rampura

Treasurer & Secretary

Ms. Roopa Ram­pu­ra, a mul­ti­me­dia spe­cial­ist and phil­an­thropist, has been asso­ci­at­ed with var­i­ous caus­es viz. envi­ron­ment, girl child and child devel­op­ment. She is well-known in the NGO seg­ment for her ‘Devel­op­ment Cen­tre’ mod­el for the under priv­i­leged children.